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Autumn party from Primorsky Victory Park and Bushe bakery

Together with Bushe bakery we invite you to the autumn party on September 18!
Admission is free upon registration.

Enjoy a cozy picnic in the garden school with blankets, hot drinks and hearty autumn novelties from Bushe. The musical part will be taken over by our friends The Floreks. And in one of the warm orangeries there will be a green swap for everyone.

What is a green swap?
Surely there are a couple of identical plants in your home urban jungle, and you would like to diversify your green collection with new species. The Swap Party is perfect for swapping green friends, chatting with fellow houseplant lovers and having a great time.

What else?
Among all the guests of the party, we will give away gifts:
-  variegated monstera and fragrant dracaena from Primorsky Victory Park.
-  set for autumn evenings from Bushe.

Don't forget to sign up and bring your green swap friends with you.
See you on Saturday at 15:00!